Content writing services for websites from xroot Content writing services are designed to create posts on a topic related to your business. Additionally, content writing helps your business gain more visibility online. Content writing services also allow your business to have better visibility on search engines and communicate more effectively with people who are searching for your products and services on the Internet.
Website content writing services
Are you concerned about not preparing the content of your website? We have the solution. You can give us the main points or the profile of your project, explaining your services and describing your field. We will write pages (about us – our products by division – contact us – why us – products and their specifications … etc.) We write your content accurately and compatible with global search engines to help you gain more potential customers for your online project.
Experienced content writers will be responsible for planning the content for your website. Your project manager will communicate your favorite topics and other preferences to our writers as well.
Our client’s participation is important for writing the content of the website
Client participation will be required in the initial stages of writing content. We can communicate through online meetings, WhatsApp, screen sharing offers, calls and emails to collect and build on the main points of content writing.
Why should I consider xroot for content writing?
If you have one or more businesses, or you are in the process of launching another business, You may not have enough time to keep up with your current website. If you have a lot of followers or people visiting your website, They’ll notice the moment your content is out of date or when you haven’t added anything new in a while. This can affect the number of visitors your site receives and its ranking on search engines.
In addition to keeping your audience engaged, Google prefers an updated good content website. If you don’t keep your site updated, You’ll find your rankings slipping quickly if you don’t keep your content up-to-date.
How often should I add content to my site?
There are no specific criteria, But it should be at least monthly to make sure that all of your previous content work keeps visitors. Many of our clients use to share an article or update at least one new page per week.
Is it possible to write more content through the site’s blog?
If you choose EXROTE on a monthly basis to write articles that contain your domain via the blog, this will gain you more visitors. We write your content tailored and related to your services or products that you provide.
What will happen if I use content copied from other sites?
Google classifies the content through the various search mechanisms as duplicate content and will compare it with other sites and will cause confusion because the search engine algorithms are not confident in the ranking of the results, which will negatively affect the position of your site on the search engine.
This does not mean that the copied content will not be recognized, but from our point of view, the content of your site must be distinctive, expressing your commercial identity in front of your customers.